CSS CheatSheet

This CSS Cheat sheet covers some CSS

CSS Selectors

What are CSS selectors, and how they are initialised

Declarations/Declaration blocks

What are declaration blocks, and what goes inside these declaration blocks

Properties & Values

What properties and values are

How properties and values are related and how they affect HTML elements


CSS selectors select any particular HTML element type, class or id attribute

Selectors that precede with a dot (.) select elements with a particular class

Example:- .class-selector { }

Selectors that precede with a hash (#) select element with a particular id

Example:- #id-selector { }

Lastly, selectors that are initialised with HTML element tags such as h1, or p tags etc, are type selectors

Example:- h1 { }


Declarations/Declaration blocks

A CSS declaration lies within the declaration block, and consists of the propery and value which are shown just below

Declaration blocks are initialised using the curly braces({ }), and everything in-between is where the magic happens

Declaration example:-

#selector {
   property: value;


Properties & Values

Properties and values are in charge of how an element looks and in some cases how it reacts to basic user interaction

An example of a property and value working together:-

#selector {
   color: blue;
